2024 Bishop Kelley Reunion Weekend

We look forward to welcoming classes ending in 4 and 9!


Event Information

Friday, June 14, 2024 - 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
All-Class Reunion in the BK Dining Hall

All reunion classes are invited back to BK to mix and mingle with their classmates, faculty, and friends in Bishop Kelley’s new Dining Hall. Come and go as you please and enjoy complimentary appetizers, water, soft drinks, wine and beer. Tours of the school and athletic facilities will be available.

Click here to RSVP

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mass at 5 p.m. in the De La Salle Chapel at Bishop Kelley 

followed by individual class gatherings*:

Join us for a reunion Mass. Family and friends are welcome. This Mass will be celebrated in memory of deceased classmates.

Saturday Night Activities for Individual Classes

*Attendees will be responsible for the cost of their own meals and drinks at individual class gatherings. There is no charge for the Friday night event at Bishop Kelley.

Some class venues may change based on RSVPs.

Class of 1964

Chalkboard, 1324 S. Main St., 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $50 for dinner, payment in advance

Cash Bar

Reach out to Mal Coury at email below or to Gary Oberste at goberste@bishopkelley.org for mailing information for Saturday night payment.

Class Contact: Mal Coury, malleyc@aol.com

Class of 1969 

Bishop Kelley Dining Hall, Lower Level

Catered Dinner, Wine and Beer Cash Bar, 6:00-10:30 p.m.
Cost: $50 -
Payment must be received by Friday, June 7. Reach out to the class contacts below or to Gary Oberste at goberste@bishopkelley.org for mailing address. Check for information on the BKHS Class of '69 Facebook group.
Class Contacts
Pat Soerries Frakes,
Karen Ingram Framel,
Joe Rohr,

Class of 1974 

Friday Night
9 p.m. Class Gathering at the home of Paul & Cheryl Huber, 2679 E. 69th St.

Saturday Night

Oaks Country Club, 4101 Oaks Country Club Drive, 6:30-10:30 pm
Cost $65.00 per person - Grand Buffet
Cash Bar (Cash is preferred by the venue.)

Payment due by June 5th.  Reach out to the class contacts below or to Gary Oberste at goberste@bishopkelley.org for mailing address.          
Class Contacts
Terry Barrett Burns Peck,

Martin Schepers, Haskmojo@aol.com

Class of 1979
Meadowbrook Country Club, 9300 E. 81st St.
Happy Hour, 5:50 p.m. (Cash or Credit Card)

Dinner, 6:30 p.m.

Class Picture and Dancing, 8 p.m.
Cost $30 per person. Pay Glenda Begnel by Venmo @Glynda-Begnel or  PayPal @GlyndaBegnel
by June 7th. Reach out to the class contacts below or to Gary Oberste at goberste@bishopkelley.org if you need  a mailing address.
Class Contacts
Eric Devonshire,
Mary Phillips Pohlman,
Brad Anthmattan,
Max Ho,

Class of 1984

Studio 308, 308 S Lansing Ave (off of 3rd and Peoria), 7 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Cost: $50 (includes spouse/guest)

Payment can be sent by Venmo to @David-Olden-11 (not a typo)
Reach out to the class contacts below or to Gary Oberste at
goberste@bishopkelley.org for mailing address.
Class Contact
April Harlton Jordan,
Lori Lissau McNulty,

Class of 1989

McNellie’s Downtown, 409 E. 1st St., 6:30 p.m.

Class Contact: TBD

Class of 1994
McNellie’s Downtown, 409 E. 1st St., 6:30 p.m.

Class Contact: TBD

Class of 1999           
McNellie’s South City, 7031 S Zurich Ave., 6:30 p.m.

Class Contact:
Amanda Cadion Bresnahan,
Sophie Dye Gayle,

Class of 2004

Elgin Park Brewery, 325 E. Matthew Brady St., 6:30 p.m.

Class Contact: TBD

Class of 2009

*VENUE CHANGE: Tulsan Athletic Club, 2439 E. 11th St., 8 p.m.
Pickleball courts will be available!
Class Contacts
Katherine Devonshire
Jon Haverfield

Class of 2014
Fassler Hall, 304 S. Elgin Ave.  6:30 p.m.

Class Contact:

Meredith Veit, veit.meredith@gmail.com

Josiah Siddiki, siddiki.josiah@gmail.com

Class of 2019

Fassler Hall, 304 S. Elgin Ave.  6:30 p.m.

Class Contacts
Zack Lissau,

Miracle Boykin, milagroboykin@gmail.com

Click here to RSVP

No contact for your class? Let Gary Oberste (
goberste@bishopkelley.org or 918.609.7181) know if you would like to promote your class’s Saturday gathering!

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