Christian Service Program

Helping Others, Selfless Service

Developing individuals who strive to reach their potential and work to positively influence their community in service of others is the spiritual core of a Bishop Kelley High School education. Attaining this goal goes beyond BK’s religious services, retreats, campus ministry, and theology classes. 

Through the school’s Christian Service Program, we aim to integrate the virtue of serving others who have real needs into the process of learning and development of young men and women into men and women doing God’s will.

Because the goals of this program are central to the goals of a Catholic education, each student must complete a minimum of 100 hours of community service throughout his or her four years as a requirement for graduation. Each year, BK students complete more than 25,000 hours of community service.

Outside of the classroom, BK  students reach out to disadvantaged people by volunteering at places such as nursing homes, the North Tulsa Learning Center, hospitals, and Catholic Charities. The result is an awareness of the needs of others, greater compassion in helping them, and a thirst for justice.

Long after graduation, BK alumni volunteer their time and services to those in need.

Below is more information about BK’s Christian Service Program. 
If you have additional questions contact our Campus Minister, Phillip Griffith at

  • Requirements

    • Students are required to accrue 25 Christian Service hours per Academic School Year, for a total of 100 hours by graduation. This graduation requirement will be prorated for transfer students.
    • Over the course of four years, 25 hours MUST be direct service to those experiencing poverty or who are vulnerable; 25% of all required hours.  Direct service to those experiencing poverty or who are vulnerable is defined as serving at or with an agency that provides services to those experiencing poverty.
    • Junior/Senior Year(s) Immersion requires that during junior and/or senior years, 15 hours MUST be served at the same service site. This may be completed in one year or spread between the two years.
    • Only hours served at an approved non-profit organization or through Bishop Kelley sponsored clubs and teams will be accepted. A list of approved non-profit organizations is available on our website.  Any other organizations must be approved before the student completes their service hours there.
    • Christian service does not include volunteering at a for-profit business, for activities in which the student is paid, or one in which a student receives credit with a different entity. Christian service does not include the ordinary obligation one has to family, friends, and neighbors, nor should it include travel or sleep time incurred on mission trips or out-of-town service experiences.
    • All hours will be recorded by students using their Helper Helper account.
    • Students are required to submit hours as soon as they are completed. In order for a student to receive credit for service hours, they must be SERVED, LOGGED, and VALIDATED in the academic quarter in which they were served. Any hours not meeting the above criteria by the deadlines listed below, will not be credited to the student.
  • Helper Helper App

    All hours will be recorded through the student’s Helper Helper account.

  • Opportunities

    • Students may volunteer at Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma, the North Tulsa Learning Center, the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, or Quench Their Thirst  among other service locations.
    • Updated opportunities may be found through the student’s Helper Helper account, but students are encouraged to look for other opportunities as well.

  • Deadlines 2024-2025

    • Summer and 1st Quarter service hours: Tuesday, October 8, 2024
    • 2nd Quarter service hours: Friday, December 20, 2024
    • 3rd Quarter service hours: Monday, March 10, 2025
    • 4th Quarter service hours: Friday, May 16, 2025
    • A student’s service requirement must be completed by noon on the last day of school. If this requirement is not fulfilled, a hold will be placed on the student’s records. Seniors will have until June 30th of their graduation year to complete any deficit in hours to maintain their graduation date. If service is completed after June 30th, the student’s graduation date will be the date that their service is completed. Transcripts and diplomas will be changed to reflect the new graduation date. Any costs for these changes will be the responsibility of the student.
    • Students may begin recording hours for the following school year once school has been dismissed for the summer. Rising freshmen who complete service hours during the summer prior to their freshman year will be given access to the Helper Helper app and log hours after orientation in August.
  • Spirit of Service Awards

    Spirit of Service Awards are awarded annually to students based on the following criteria:

    • Freshmen 50+ hours  
    • Sophomores 100+ hours
    • Juniors 150+ hours  
    • Seniors 200+ hours
    • To be eligible for Spirit of Service, hours are due by the Monday after Spring Break (March 24, 2025).
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