Campus Ministry

Even casual visitors to Bishop Kelley often comment on the strong religious identity of the school. They notice not just the external markers of identity – the Chapel, the Bell Tower, the statue of St. John Baptist De La Salle – but the inner disposition of our students and faculty. More frequent visitors also observe the programs that foster religious growth and deepen the Catholic identity of our school community.

We seek to develop young men and women of character, grounded in faith. We live out our identity as a Catholic school and community of faith in many ways:

  • Community Service: Thousands of hours are contributed by our students serving others in need, not only here in Tulsa, but around the country through our annual mission trip.
  • Retreat Program: We are committed to having a strong retreat program. Our retreats have increasingly become moments of conversion and renewal of faith for many of our students. Our Campus Ministry Leadership Team has engaged students as witnesses and examples for their own classmates.
  • Sacramental Life and Worship: Daily Mass is offered on campus. Mass and confession are celebrated on all our retreats.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament occurs every first Friday.
  • Daily Instruction: We have an outstanding theology department with an integrated curriculum that seeks to reach the heart and mind of our students, and that exposes them to Catholic belief, practice, and tradition. Daily reflections and prayers are led by members of our own school community which augments what the students receive in class.
  • Faculty and Staff Formation: Our faculty and staff participate in monthly faith formation occurring in small groups. They help lead and participate in student retreats, mission trips, and pilgrimages.

The identity of Bishop Kelley High School is anchored and given direction by our mission to carry on the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ by providing a Catholic, Lasallian education that develops individuals whose hearts and minds are prepared for a purposeful life. At BK, this is being lived out each day, better than ever, by the current generation of Comets.

Totus Tuus,
Fr. Jon Fincher 


Catholic Identity

At Bishop Kelley our purpose is the formation of students who will be good citizens of this world, loving God and neighbor, and who will also be citizens of the world to come, fulfilling their vocation to become saints.  Following the teachings of Jesus Christ, our school is inspired by a supernatural vision, founded on a Christian anthropology, animated by communion and community, permeated by a Catholic worldview, and sustained by a daily witness of the Gospel. These standards as given to us by the Church help us to be rooted in Jesus and the Church, which He established over 2,000 years ago.

We are founded on Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. Therefore, we seek to perfect our students in all their dimensions as images of God, for it is Jesus Christ who is united with each of our students. 

At BK, we are a community of faith. Our educators seek to be authentic witnesses of the Gospel. Theirs is a supernatural calling and is not simply a profession. In imitation of Jesus Christ, the only Teacher, our teachers reveal the Christian message not only by word, but also by every gesture of their behavior.   

In our hallways and classrooms, Christ is not an afterthought; He is the center of our school, the source and summit of our existence.  Thus, prayer is a normal part of our day, so that our students learn to pray in times of sorrow and joy. The sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation mark the rhythm of our school’s life. The Rosary, reading from the Bible, recounting the lives of the saints, and celebrating the Church’s liturgical year are among the devotions that have their place in our school. 

Because Catholicism is a comprehensive way of life, it animates every aspect of our activities and curriculum. Mindful of our redemption in Christ, we aim to form our students in those virtues that will enable them to live a new life in Christ and help them in serving the Church and the larger community which they are a part. 

Mass, Confession, and Eucharistic Adoration

  • Daily Mass (when school is in session)
  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:  7:10 a.m.
  • Wednesday:  3:15 p.m.

  • Confession (when school is in session):
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays:  3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. 

  • All-Day Eucharistic Adoration
  • First Friday of the Month during the school year.
  • Benediction begins at 2:50 p.m.

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