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Individual class gatherings
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Each year, Bishop Kelley High School will recognize the accomplishments of four alumni at the annual Lasallian Founder's Alumni Awards Banquet.
From online nominations made by members of the BK community, the school will select a Distinguished Alumni Award winner. In addition, an alumnus will be recognized for Service to the Poor and Social Justice; another alumnus will receive the award for Commitment to Quality Education; the fourth award will be the Young Alumni award for those age 35 and under.
The awards banquet highlights the mission of St. John Baptist De La Salle, founder of the Christian Brothers, and the five core principals of the Lasallian Mission – Faith in the Presence of God, Quality Education, Concern for the Poor and Social Justice, Respect for All Persons, and Inclusive Community.
The mission of Bishop Kelley High School is to carry on the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ by providing a Catholic, Lasallian education that develops individuals whose hearts and minds are prepared for a purposeful life.